The College Credit Plus (CCP) information will be presented at the Open House Event held on February 2, 2023. Students and/or parents who are not able to attend this presentation should watch the Annual CCP Information video, attached below and fill out the CCP Letter of Intent.
Steps for Taking CCP Classes at Edgewood:
Students interested in taking classes AT Edgewood will need to have:
Intent forms submitted by April 1, 2023 (given to high school counselors).
Course added on their schedule during registration in February 2023
An ACT score on file, or will need to sign up to take the Accuplacer with an advisor.
Application to Cincinnati State (if no previous class was taken) submitted by the college deadline
Edgewood offers 6 College Credit Plus courses on campus through a partnership with Cincinnati State:
CCP College Algebra & Trigonometry
CCP Anatomy and Physiology
CCP Quantitative Reasoning
CCP English 101
CCP English 102
CCP Principles of Management
CCP Greenhouse
Steps for Taking CCP Classes OFF the Edgewood Campus:
Make sure you counselor has an intent form on file. Intent forms are due by April 1, 2023 for the 2023 - 2024 school year.
Have you taken the ACT? Colleges will need test scores as part of the application
Follow the requirements/deadlines each university has for applying (submitting test scores/transcript)
If accepted, meet with academic advisors & register for classes
Submit final CCP schedule to Edgewood counselor and revise High School Schedule before High School semester starts
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