To our Edgewood Parents, Guardians, Staff, and Students,
We want to provide you with an update regarding the closing of our schools today. We have partnered with the Butler County General Health District on the situation involving the student who potentially tested positive for E. coli. The Butler County General Health District has confirmed there have been no additional cases of E. coli reported at this time. However, in order to be proactive we have taken precautions and thoroughly cleaned all our schools. With this confirmation, all athletic events will take place this evening as planned. Likewise, all Edgewood schools and offices will reopen on Friday, August 30.
The Health District recommends diligent hand washing as the best method for controlling the spread of most diseases.
We sincerely appreciate the assistance provided by the Butler County General Health District in helping us manage this situation. Likewise, we want to thank our custodians for all their efforts in cleaning our buildings. Lastly, we appreciate your patience and concern as we investigated this situation.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday.