Choose Kindness

Dear EPS Families, 

During the Month of January, our lessons have focussed on kindness and ways to show kindness at home, school and throughout the community. Over the next 29 days of February we are challenging our students at Edgewood Primary School to practice what they have learned during our  Social Emotional Learning lessons. Students are encouraged to spread “Random Act of Kindness” each day either by following the suggested activities listed on the given calendar or they may choose their own acts of kindness and fill in the blank calendar.  After students complete the act of kindness, draw an X over the square. Then at the end of the month  parent/guardian are asked to sign the bottom of the sheet  confirming the student has completed the activities. The calendar should then be returned to his or her teacher on March 1. Prizes will be awarded. 

We look forward to seeing and hearing how our EPS students have been sharing kindness throughout the community!


        Ms. Jenny Halsey