A Call to Duty ceremony for the 324th Military Police Company will take place on Sunday, December 8th at 2 PM at the Edgewood Middle School Gymnasium. 120 soldiers will be deployed to Texas for training and then onto Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.
Captain Huth of the 324th Company, located in the Armory on S. Main St. in Middletown, anticipates over 700 family members, in addition to several Government and military dignitaries will be attending the ceremony.
The City of Trenton will be placing American flags along State Street this week to honor these brave men and women for their service. Likewise, Trenton businesses and churches are also showing their support with messages on their outdoor signs. If any residents would like to show their support, please fly your American flag. As the soldiers and their families travel to and from the ceremony, this show of support will be truly appreciated.
While the ceremony is for the families of the soldiers being deployed, anyone may attend.
Let's show our heartfelt thanks all the brave men and women of the 324th Company for their service to our country.