Pick Up of Student Belongings & Return of School Items Scheduled for May 11-15:
Specific plans have been created, by each building principal, to allow for student belongings to be picked up while ensuring a safe environment is maintained. Students will also be able to return any textbooks, library books or school equipment.
Click here for the details for each school building. This activity will take place from May 11-15, 2020.
Any items left after Friday, May 15 will be disposed of by the school.
Meal Pickup Program to Continue through the End of this School Year:
Our Meal Pickup program will continue through the end of our school year. Meals will be provided for students, ages 1-18, every Monday and Wednesday through May 20.
Meals will be available for pickup at Babeck and Edgewood Elementary school from 11am- Noon.
Next week’s pickup dates are:
Monday, May 11
Wednesday, May 13
Paper Copies of Assignments:
The schedule for when paper copies of assignments will be available to pickup, for students without access to technology or internet, for the remainder of the school year are provided below:
Babeck Early Childhood:
Wednesday, May 13: 11 am- Noon
Monday, May 18: 11 am- Noon (last day copies will be distributed for the school year).
Edgewood Elementary School:
Wednesday, May 13: 11 am- Noon (last day copies will be distributed for the school year. Students will also receive a Summer Booster packet on this day).
If you come later than Noon on Wednesday, packets of paper assignments will be in boxes labeled by grade at the front entrance of EES for your convenience. These will be available to pick up through the end of day on Thursday.
Edgewood Middle School:
Monday, May 11: 11am- 1 pm
Monday, May 18: 11am- 1pm (last day copies will be distributed for the school year).
➽ Spring pictures from Lifetouch can also be picked up at EMS during these dates.
Edgewood High School:
Wednesday, May 13: 10 am- Noon
Monday, May 18: 10 am- Noon (last day copies will be distributed for the school year).
Seven Mile Elementary School:
If paper copies are needed by Seven Mile students, please email Mrs. Harrison at: lori.harrison@edgewoodschools.net
Athletic Facilities and Playgrounds Remain Closed
Per Governor DeWine and the OHSAA (Ohio High School Athletic Association), the No Contact rule is in place through the end of June 2020. To stay in compliance, Edgewood cannot have any organized training sessions, as a program, until we are given permission from the Governor. As a result, all facilities on the Edgewood campus remain closed to athletes and community members.
Our Edgewood City Schools playgrounds remain closed until at least May 29, per the Stay Safe Order issued from the Ohio Department of Health.