Enroll Your Student in our New School-based Health Center  graphic

We are excited to announce the opening of our new school-based health center that will be operated by Primary Health Solutions. The health center is located inside the Main Entrance at Edgewood High School. It will be opening on the week of July 27.  All Edgewood students and their immediate family, staff members, and members of their immediate family will be able to take advantage of medical, dental, vision, and behavioral-health services. The use of our new school-based health center is totally optional for our students and staff; however, for a student to receive care, an enrollment packet along with a consent form must be completed by their parent/guardian and on file at the health center. 

Now is the perfect time to complete an enrollment packet and consent form for your child(ren). Click here for a copy of the enrollment form, including the consent form.  A description of the program is provided at the end of the packet that will assist in answering your questions. Click here for an information flyer you can use as a quick reference about the health center.

Parents/guardians, please print a copy of the enrollment packet (consent form included) for each child(ren). Complete the packet, including the consent form, and take one of the following actions:

  • Return it in person to our new health center, located in Edgewood High School. Your copy can be dropped off during the center’s operating hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)  Enter through the Main Entrance, then once inside the vestibule, the entrance to the health center is on your right.

  • Mail your completed enrollment packet, including your consent for to:

Primary Health Solutions

3045 Busenbark Road

Trenton, Ohio  45067

  • Once school begins, your student can take their completed enrollment packet and consent form to their school’s nurse. The nurse will forward it to the health center.

Parents/guardians, if you do not have the ability to print a copy of the packet and consent form, please email: contact.us@edgewoodschools.net to request an enrollment packet and consent form to be mailed to your home. Please provide the following information in your email:

  • Your first and last name

  • Your mailing address

  • Request whether you need an enrollment packet & consent form in English or Spanish

  • Number of packets/consent forms needed

 Please be aware, our students will continue to see their school nurse as the first point of evaluation for any medical needs. Our school nurse will assess the situation. If they determine the student requires additional care, they will notify the student’s parent/guardian to schedule a visit to the health center and the student will be transported by Edgewood to the health center. Once care is provided, the student will be transported back to their school. Based on the situation, the student will either return to class or will need to be picked up by their parent/guardian. For this action to take place, an enrollment packet and consent form must be on file for the student so they can receive care from our school-based health center. 

We are excited about our partnership with Primary Health Solutions and encourage every parent/guardian to take time now to complete the enrollment packet and consent form for your child(ren) and mail it in before school starts.