Dismissal Time

Good Afternoon EPS Parents and Guardians, 

            All parents and guardians should have the pick up placards. If you are picking up for a car rider put this in the passenger side window.  If you do not have the placard, you will have to go to the pick up area at the main entrance to verify that we can dismiss the child to you. 

      If you are a walk-up parent and park then walk up, please park in the parking lot off of Cypress. If you are walking from Maple Avenue, you will not be permitted to walk past the buses. You must walk around on the sidewalk that is on the far side of the parent car rider area. 

       All parents/guardians that have their placards will have their students dismissed to them first. If you do not have your placard, you will have to wait in a line so that staff can verify in final forms that you are permitted to pick up the student. 

          Thank you for being patient as we put in the extra safety precautions  to keep our students and staff safe. 

Jenny Halsey
Edgewood Primary, Principal