From the Edgewood Athletic Department:
Effective Friday, July 24, all Edgewood student-athletes, coaches, and training personnel will be required to wear a mask or face covering in the following situations. Our action is in response to the recent mask directive issued by Governor DeWine as well as the recommendation issued from OHSAA.
Outdoor Sports:
- Face coverings are not required when the athlete is actively engaged in an activity.
- All Coaches, Athletes, Trainers, or Managers must wear face coverings when outdoors and six feet of distance cannot be maintained.
- Athletes on the sidelines or not involved in the activity must remain six feet apart.
- Athletes and Coaches involved in team or group instructional meetings must maintain six feet social distancing or all participants must be wearing a face covering, such as the start and end of practice.
- Athletes coming and going to practice should wear face coverings.
- When teams are sharing the turf, if necessary to ensure social distancing, have athletes stand behind the end zones and not on the sidelines.
Indoor Sports:
- Face coverings are not required when the athlete is actively engaged in the activity.
- All Coaches, Trainers, Managers, or Athletic personnel must wear face coverings at all times.
- Athletes on the sidelines or not involved in the activity must remain six feet apart or be wearing a face covering.
- Athletes coming and going into the building to practice must wear a face covering while in the building.
- Six feet of social distancing should be followed whenever possible even when face coverings are being worn.