EHS Community: There will be Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences this Thursday (1/21). Also, we will be holding a Virtual Open House for Grades 8-11 that same night. See the email with all the details for both events as well as a link to sign up for conferences with teachers.
The break out session links can be found and will be active beginning on Tuesday, January 19th on our Edgewood High School Website. I encourage you to preview the links and attend the Zoom sessions that your student is interested in and have questions about. The virtual meetings are an excellent way to learn about all the course offerings at Edgewood High School. This will be valuable information for students as they prepare to register for classes for the 2021-2022 school year. EHS Breakout sessions Times and Descriptions: Class SchedulingGraduation Pathways
- Students and families will review the scheduling process for the 2021-2022 school year with the high school counselors through a pre-recorded video.
- The pre-recorded video will be on our website on January 19th.
- If you have questions about class scheduling please attend the counselor Q&A session from 4:30-5:00 p.m. during open house. Class Schedule Youtube Presentation
Class Schedule Zoom MeetingCounselor Q&A
- Ohio continues to update and adjust graduation requirements.
- The counselors will present the various graduation requirements for each grade level in our pre-recorded video.
- The pre-recorded video will be on our website on January 19th.
- If you have questions about graduation pathways, please attend the counselor Q&A session from 4:30-5:00 p.m. during open house.
Graduation Pathways Youtube PresentationCollege Credit Plus
- Live virtual session from 4:30-5:00 p.m.
- This session will be a live virtual Q&A session with our counselors.
- You will be able to ask questions regarding class scheduling and graduation pathways.
AP Presentations
- Live virtual session from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Ohio's College Credit Plus gives students in grades 7-12 the chance to earn high school and college credit simultaneously by taking courses at participating Ohio Colleges or Universities or on the EHS campus.
- Tuition is free.
- In this meeting, necessary paperwork and deadlines will be presented. For students interested in taking CCP Courses, Letters of Intent to Participate will be distributed and will be due April 1st to Counselors.
- This meeting will be a virtual Zoom meeting hosted by representatives from Miami University and Cincinnati State.
College Credit Plus Youtube Presentation
College Credit Plus Zoom MeetingPlease contact one of our counselors below via email if you have any questions about this night.
- Live virtual session from 7:00-7:30 p.m.
- For all students interested in taking (Advanced Placement) AP courses next year. AP teachers will be discussing course descriptions and expectations. AP contracts will be due April 1st to the Counselors.
AP Youtube Presentation AP Zoom Meeting
- Corrina Centers, Counselor
- Grades 9/11
- Nicole Panno, Counselor
- Grades 10/12
- Rachel Conley, Counselor
- College & Career Readiness