Listed below are links to online resources to support students who have been identified as gifted:
Exquisite Minds (free brain games)
Scientifics Direct - science, technology, and engineering products
Miami University Saturday Art (ages 4 - adult)
Miami University Summer Scholars Program (grades 11-12)
University of Dayton School of Engineering (Grades 3 through high school)

Josh Stapleton
Gifted Coordinator
The Edgewood City School District is committed to meeting the educational needs of high-ability students. This web page allows you to access information regarding identification procedures, gifted service options and gifted resources.
Gifted Education Summarized
This information is based upon Ohio Revised Code 3324.01-07 (law) and Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15 (rule). Children are identified as gifted in Ohio in four major categories: superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability (reading, math, science, and/or social studies), creative thinking ability, and visual or performing arts ability.
The following summarizes the eligibility criteria for each area of the four areas. All tests and checklists used must be from the approved list prepared by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) with scores within the preceding twenty-four months.
Superior cognitive ability: score two standard deviations above the mean minus the standard error of measurement on an intelligence test, perform at or above the 95th percentile on a basic or composite battery of a nationally normed achievement test, or attain an approved score on an above grade-level standardized, nationally normed test
Specific academic ability: perform at or above the 95th percentile at the national level on a standardized achievement test of specific academic ability (reading, math, science, and/or social studies); a child may be identified as gifted in more than one specific academic ability field
Creative thinking ability: score one standard deviation above the mean minus the standard error of measurement on an intelligence test and attain a sufficient score, as established by the Ohio Department of Education, on a test of creative ability or a checklist of creative behavior
Visual/performing arts ability: demonstrate to a trained individual through a display of work, an audition, or other performance or exhibition, superior ability in a visual or performing arts area and attain a sufficient score, as established by the Ohio Department of Education, on a checklist of behaviors related to a specific arts area
For more information regarding the Ohio law and rule regarding gifted identification, please visit the Ohio Department of Education Gifted Services website.
Gifted Identification Opportunities and Referrals
Below you will find information regarding the dates for identification opportunities this year. As a district, we administer four whole grade tests throughout the year (for varying grade levels) and have two referral windows.
Whole Grade Screening Windows for 24/25
Whole Grade CoGAT (6th Grade)- September 30-October 4th
Whole Grade Iowa (5th Grade)- October 14th-18th
Whole Grade CoGAT (1st Grade)- April 1st-8th
Whole Grade Iowa (2nd Grade)- April 28th-May 2nd
Referral Windows
To submit a referral please click the link below and complete the form by the referral deadline. Only Fall referrals are currently being accepted. A separate link will be sent out in December for Winter referrals.
Fall Referral Testing- November 11th-15th
Form Due by Monday October 21st- no late submissions will be accepted
Testing consent forms sent home October 24th and must be returned by November 4th
Fall Referral Testing for 2024 is now complete. Fall 2025 testing will open in late September of 2025.
Winter Referral Testing- February 18th-February 28th
Form Due by January 21st- no late submissions will be accepted
Testing consent forms sent home January 24th and must be returned by February 10th
Winter Referral Testing for 24/25 is now closed.
In accordance with Ohio Department of Education Administrative Code 3301-35-06, Edgewood City Schools provide the opportunity for students to be assessed to determine if acceleration is an appropriate placement for students.
Early entrance to kindergarten or first grade – designed for the exceptional child to enter kindergarten or first grade early who is both academically ready as well as developmentally mature when compared to others of his/her chronological age for the purpose of access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities; typically students must be five by August 1st.
Subject acceleration - assigning a student to a higher grade level in a specific subject than is typical given the student’s age
Whole-grade acceleration - assigning a student to a higher grade level than is typical given the student’s age on a full-time basis for the purpose of providing access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities
Early graduation from high school
Referral for Acceleration
Edgewood City Schools Gifted Service Options
Elementary Clusters
Students identified as gifted (Superior Cognitive, Reading, Math, Science, and/or Social Studies) in grades 2-5 will be clustered (grouped together in one classroom in which the teacher differentiates instruction) according to their identification.
Edgewood Middle School
Advanced ELA (English/Language Arts) classes are offered for students in grades 6-8 who have been identified as gifted in Reading.
Advanced Math classes are offered for high-achieving students in grades 6-8, including those who have been identified as gifted in Math.
Edgewood High School
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered in all four core subject areas for high-achieving students, including those who have been identified as gifted.
Honor courses are offered in all four core subject areas.
Students can take College Credit Plus courses from community colleges or universities.