513-867-3440, ext. 3125
Students in the Edgewood City School District are served by a District School Nurse and a Health Specialist in each building. Nursing services include: maintaining immunization status; providing daily care to ill or injured students along with emergency care and treatments for students with health impairments; providing vision and hearing screenings to all students in grades K, 1, 3, 7(vision only) and 9 and all new students to the district; performing scoliosis screenings to all 6th and 7th graders; providing routine head lice screenings in all elementary buildings; and promoting health education in the classrooms. If you have any questions regarding health concerns, contact your building nurse.
If your child is on medication, please make sure an adult transports all medication to and from school. All prescription and nonprescription medications(such as Tylenol, Advil, cough drops, etc.) require completion of a school medication permit signed by parent/guardian and contained in an original container labeled with the student's name. You will find a link to our printable Medication Permit Form (on the left side of this page). This form must be completed each year for prescription and non-prescription medications by both parent and physician.
All medications must be received in the school office directly from a parent or responsible adult; and controlled substances, such as Ritalin or Adderall, must be counted at school when designated staff receive the medication. The parent or adult should remain present to verify the “pill count.”
All medications must be in the original container properly labeled with the student’s name. Please never send medications to school in envelopes, plastic baggies, back packs, or in your child’s pockets. These medications will not be given.
A separate medication permit must be completed for each medication that the student will be taking signed by both the parent and physician.
Please share a copy of Edgewood’s Medication Permit Form with your child’s physician so that it will be on file for future use. Please call your child’s school if you have any questions or concerns.
Vaccine Requirements for 7th and 12th Grades posted 5/17/24
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Your student who will be entering seventh grade or entering twelfth grade next school year must have vaccines required by the Ohio Department of Health to avoid exclusion from school. It is mandatory for in-school attendance. Your child must have these vaccines by the 14th day of school or they will be excluded from attending.
All students entering the 7th grade are required to have one dose of the Meningococcal vaccine and one dose of the tdap vaccine, which is a booster for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.
All students entering the 12th grade are required to have two doses of the Meningococcal vaccine. However, if the student received their first dose after their 16th birthday, then just one dose of the Meningococcal vaccine is required.
When your child has had these vaccines, please make sure their required vaccine record is given to the school nurse. Students who do not meet the immunization requirements are considered inadequately immunized.
Any immunizations required by this law may be waived if you provide your written objection to the immunizations based on religious or philosophical grounds, or a physician certifies in writing that such immunizations are medically contraindicated and should not be given. Your school nurse has a written form for you to sign if you have one of these objections. If you do not want your child immunized please contact your school nurse. She can provide the form to you and it must be signed by the 14th day of school next school year.
Thank you for your support with this very important health matter. Please take this summer to make sure that your child is fully immunized.
Beth Birchwell, R.N., B.S.N.
District School Nurse
Edgewood City Schools