About Our Program
Edgewood City Schools has developed a Preschool program to serve children 3 – 5 years of age with a wide range of disabilities qualifying for special education services. A program model was adopted to include children with typical development in order to provide for a more appropriate and enriching learning experience.
The program provides a nurturing environment that supports the intellectual, academic, and social growth of young children. It is designed to serve both students with a range of disabilities as well as typical preschool students who pay a tuition to attend. The model is built on the premise that preschool-aged students with disabilities, as well as those with typical learning styles, can both benefit and grow academically by learning alongside one another.
A goal of our program is to provide a quality early childhood learning experience and ensure a successful transition to Kindergarten.

Preschool Location
Edgewood Early Childhood Center
200 West Ritter Street, Seven Mile, Ohio 45062
General Information:
-5 day program
-Morning or Afternoon Classes (no full-day sessions are available.)
-AM Session: 8:30am-11:00pm
-PM Session: 12:30pm-3:00pm
Enrollment Requirements:
If your child is eligible for Kindergarten, he/she is not eligible for this program.
-Children must be three years old by August 1st of the year they wish to enroll.
-$250 a month, due on the 15th day of each month
-Yearly supply fee $77.82
Registration Information:
Parents will have an opportunity to sign their children up each spring through a lottery system. Parents interested in learning about the tuition-based program are also invited to attend an informational meeting, where staff will be available to answer questions and give an overview of the program. That information is on the Registration page on the website.
At registration, the following items will be needed:
child's birth certificate
updated shot records
parent/guardian photo identification
proof of residence
custody documents (if applicable)
$250 to hold a child's spot
*Once all spots are filled, any new students will be added to a waiting list.
Contact Information:
Lori Harrison
Edgewood Early Childhood Principal
(513) 867-3420
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Click on the Early Bird to connect to INFOhio's Early Learning Portal.On this site you will find app resources for early learners ages 3-5.Click HERE to connect to a Parent Tips page.