Title I Funding Public Comment Announcement:
Title 1, Part A requires that the LEA annually provide an opportunity for public comment, regarding the LEA's use of Title I, Part A funds. The district plans to use Title I, Part A in a variety of ways to further support students within the Edgewood City School District. As allowable under the requirements and provisions provided under Title I, Part A, the Edgewood City School District may use these funds within the below-mentioned areas. You are invited to attend an informational session on September 18, 2023, from 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. prior to the September Board of Education Meeting. You may also provide comments to Dr. Pamela Theurer, Director of Communication and Federal Programs, via email at pam.theurer@edgewoodschools.net.
Supporting Homeless Students
Supporting Neglected and Delinquent Children
Parent and Family Engagement
Equitable services for eligible private school students.
Early childhood education programs for eligible children
Materials and Supplies to research-based, high-quality Instruction in these areas.
Professional Development to support teachers in High-quality instruction
Foster Care Transportation
Administering the Title I program