6th/7th/8th grade

Our programs strives for teaching students Character Education and how to become a productive citizen in society. We make sure they know that everything we teach them can not only be directly applied to their life now, but they can take, and will have the knowledge with them, the rest of their lives. Focusing on the Health triangle for physical, mental and social needs, plays a key role in how we go about running our classroom on a daily basis.

Standard(s) we're currently focusing on:


Benchmark A Develop and apply rules, safe practices and procedures in physical activity settings.

Safety Self-direction

1. Make a conscious decision about playing within the rules, procedures and etiquette of a game or activity.

2. Acknowledge and apply rules to game situations to ensure personal and group safety.

3. Make choices to demonstrate self-direction and effort.

Benchmark B Communicate effectively with others to promote respect and conflict resolution in physical activity settings.

Cooperation Respect Resolving conflict

1. Offer positive suggestions to facilitate group progress in physical activities.

2. Demonstrate cooperation with peers of different gender, race and ability in physical activity settings.

3. Show consideration of the rights and feelings of others when resolving conflict.

4. Accept decisions made by the designated official and return to activity.

Benchmark A Develops a plan to meet the recommendation for daily physical activity.

Physical activity knowledge. Evaluate level of physical activity

1. Identify a variety of moderate to vigorous school, home and community physical activity opportunities to meet physical activity guidelines.

2. Identify active alternatives to screen time.

3. Collect physical activity assessment data and create a plan to improve or maintain physical activity levels

8th grade: PE Standards

Standards being covered in 8th grade Health and Physical Education classes for the month of September.


Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Physical Education

  • S Standard 2: A physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to m movement and performance.

  • S Standard 3: A physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-

  • e enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

Standards we're focusing on everyday!



-Self direction



-Resolving conflict


6th grade:

4.A.1- Make a conscious decision about playing within the rules, procedures and etiquette of a game or activity.

4.A.2- Acknowledge and apply rules to game situations to ensure personal and group safety.

4.A.3- Make choices to demonstrate self-direction and effort.

4.B.1- Offer positive suggestions to facilitate group progress in physical activities.

4.B.2- Demonstrate cooperation with peers of different gender, race and ability in physical activity settings.

4.B.3- Show consideration of the rights and feelings of others when resolving conflict.

4.B.4- Accept decisions made by the designated official and return to activity.

6th grade:

5.A.1- Describe how being physically active contributes to a healthy body.

5.A.2- Describe how being physically active contributes to emotional health.

5.A.3- Describe how being physically active contributes to intellectual health.

5.B.1- Identify enjoyable physical activities.

5.B.2- Identify a specific activity the student plays because he or she finds it challenging.

5.B.3- Identify a specific activity the student plays because of the opportunities for social interaction.

7th grade:

5.A.1- Identify activities that can provide health benefits for at least three components of fitness.

5.A.2- Describe how different physical activities have an impact on emotional health.

5.A.3- Describe how different physical activities have an impact on intellectual health.

5.B.1- Analyze reasons to enjoy specific physical activities.

5.B.2- Analyze a specific activity the student plays because he or she finds it challenging.

5.B.3- Analyze reasons to enjoy specific physical activities the student plays because of the opportunities for social interaction.

8th grade:

5.A.1- Link the health benefits that result from participation in specific physical activities.

5.A.2- Make a connection between physical activities and emotional health.

5.A.3- Make a connection between physical activity and intellectual health.

5.B.1- Discuss the reasons for participating in a selected physical activity.

5.B.2- Discuss the challenging aspects of participating in a selected physical activity.

5.B.3Discuss the social benefits of participating in a selected physical activity.

We encourage conversations about these standards so you can monitor your child's progress and understanding more effectively. Should you have any questions, please email your student's teacher by clicking on the Staff link on our Edgewood Middle School webpage, scroll down the list to locate the teacher and click on their email address, next to their photo. 

These standards will change as we move on to new material. Please check back often!