In an effort to allow you to support your child at home on the upcoming State AIR tests, we have created easy access to resources that will help parents gain insight into the testing process. Click the links below and you will find information provided by the Ohio Department of Education. This is the same information your child's teacher uses in the classroom to support testing success and acclimate students to the online testing environment.    As always, we encourage frequent and open communication among you and your child's teachers. After perusing these resources with your child, we urge you to contact your child's teachers for specific information as to curricular areas which may be challenging for your child. Teachers can also provide guidance as to how you may partner with them and reinforce skills at home.

Below are direction which will allow you to log in to the Student Practice Site :

1.) Login here (“Guest Session” will appear; you need not enter information here.)

2.) Select “sign in.”

3.) Select a grade level, then click on “yes.”

4.) Select a specific test or sample item.

See the Student Practice Resources for access to:

Answer keys
Writing Rubrics – Each of these scoring guideline sets describes the score point characteristics across three areas.
Grades 6-12 informative/explanatory writing;
Grades 6-12 argumentation writing.

Student Tutorials and Tools
English Language Arts
Mathematics Resources
Science Resources
Social Studies Resources