A substitute operating levy for Edgewood City Schools will be on the March 17, 2020 ballot. This will appear as Issue 5 on the ballot. This levy is a continuation of the expiring 2015 levy and would mean no new taxes for district residents. To assist you in making your decision, here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the levy. Click here for a printable version of the FAQs.
Q: What is a substitute levy?
A: A substitute levy is a type of ballot issue that can replace an existing emergency levy, or a current substitute levy. It can be for 5 years, 10 years or continuous. Issue 5 is for 5 years.
Q: What does a substitute levy provide?
A: A substitute levy allows a district to collect additional property tax revenue from any new construction that occurs inside the district boundaries during each tax year.
Q: Why does Edgewood need this levy?
A: The current levy is expiring at the end of 2020, and the amount collected from this levy is $2.7 million dollars. This represents 7.2% of the district’s operating budget and is crucial to our day-to-day operations. As our enrollment continues to grow, so do our expenses. State funding is projected to be flat, so the levy is critical for providing our students with the education and support services they need.
Q: How much would a property owner pay if the levy passes?
A: Approximately $14.37 per month ($172.42 annually) is the amount a property owner would pay, per $100,000 property value (this amount assumes the homeowner is receiving the 12.5% homestead reduction).
Q: Will property owners lose the 12.5% homestead reduction they currently receive?
A: No, if the substitute levy is approved by voters, qualifying property owners will not lose the 12.5% in homestead tax reduction they currently receive. This amount includes the rollback and homestead credits they currently receive as a homeowner.
Q: What is the millage amount for the substitute levy?
A: The millage for the upcoming levy is 5.63. The amount of the millage has reduced since the original emergency levy was approved in 2005. At that time, the millage was 6.90. When the substitute levy passed in 2010, it was at 6.16 and has been decreasing each year.
Q: What happens if the levy passes?
- Maintain current class sizes
- Maintain current staffing levels
- Offer the courses our students desire and keep Advance Placement (AP) and College Credit Plus (CCP) course choices
- Retain extracurricular activities with little to no participation fees
- Continue to provide transportation to all current routes
- Maintain our day-to-day operations
Q: What happens if the levy fails?
Possible reductions include:
- Reduce student support services in all schools
- Reduce class choices and course offerings
- Restructure extracurriculars and require pay-to-participate fees for all activities
- Significant staff reductions
- Increase class sizes in grades K-5 and class loads in grades 6-12
- Reduce transportation causing longer bus rides and fewer stops for students K-8, eliminate transportation for students in 9-12 grades
Q: There are several new housing developments underway or planned to be built in the near future in the Edgewood district. Don’t school districts get more tax money with every new house that is built?
A: Yes, with a substitute levy, more houses mean more property tax revenues to the district.
Q: March 17 is a primary election and I have not declared a party. Can I still vote?
A: You do not have to declare a party to vote in a primary election. Any registered voter may request an “issues only” ballot at his or her polling location.
Important Dates
February 18: Deadline for voter registration for March 17 primary
February 19: Absentee vote by mail, early voting begins (through March 16)
March 14: Last day to request absentee ballot
March 17: Election Day- Polls open 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.