Friday, March 13 is the last day of school for Edgewood until Tuesday, April 14, when classes are scheduled to resume. We wanted to share the following information with our families and staff:
At this time, Edgewood is still within the state minimum guidelines for the required number of hours of instruction time. Therefore, no delivery of instruction will take place from March 16-April 14. If the timeframe is extended for how long schools are to remain closed, we will notify students, families, and staff with our plans.
Plans are being evaluated on how meals will be provided to students in need. More information will be shared in the coming days.
A deep cleaning of all school facilities and buses will take place prior to students and staff returning to school.
As stated yesterday, March 12 in our communication, no activities or events will take place during this time at Edgewood. The only exception is the Butler County Board of Elections will operate a polling site in the Edgewood Middle School in Cougar Lobby on March 17.
Our Central Registration Office will be closed from March 16-April 14. Individuals who have scheduled appointments during this period are being contacted, including those who have scheduled appointments for Kindergarten registration. As stated in our communication on March 12, the informational meetings, scheduled on Tuesday, March 17, and registration for Kindergarten and Preschool for the 2020-2021 school year will be rescheduled. Communications will be issued through social media, website, email, and mobile app when a new date is confirmed.
The Edgewood Board Office will be open Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - Noon from March 16- April 14.
Please continue your efforts to cut down on the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) by using these key preventive measures:
Handwashing is extremely important in the prevention of illness. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; if you are unable to use soap and water, hand sanitizers that include 60%-95% alcohol are recommended. Here is a great video to watch with your young children about hand washing.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth since that is how germs get into the body.
Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. If you don’t have a tissue, then cough/sneeze into your elbow.
If you, or your child, are sick, stay home. If you/child have a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, remain home until you/child are fever-free for a full 24-hours before returning to work.
Clean frequently-touched surfaces and objects using everyday household disinfectants. High-touch surfaces like door knobs, toilet handles, and sink handles should be cleaned more often.
We realize families, students, and staff members may have travel plans with the upcoming Spring Break. Please keep informed by referring to the travel information provided by the CDC as well as referring to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about Travel provided by the CDC.
If you have questions regarding Coronavirus/COVID-19 please call the Ohio Department of Health Call Center at 1-833-4ASKODH (1-833-427-5634). The Call Center is open 7 days a week from 9:00 am-8:00 pm.
We will continue to issue updates to our families and staff as new information is available. In the meantime, stay safe and please do your part in helping to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).