On March 30, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine made an announcement extending his March 12 order for all of Ohio’s public, community, and private K-12 school buildings to remain closed to students through Friday, May 1, 2020.
We know the extension of the Governor’s school closure presents a challenge to our families. Our district is working diligently to partner with you in furthering your child’s education and well-being.
We are experiencing a health crisis that none of us has experienced in our lifetime. Luckily, the Edgewood community is strong and united. Together, we will navigate through this challenging situation.
What does this mean for our students?
Although our school buildings are to remain closed through Friday, May 1, remote learning will continue. We will continue to adjust and administer our virtual learning plans and expectations, provide student services and resources to the best of our ability, and distribute free meals to our students.
All playgrounds will remain closed until school re-opens. Likewise, all Edgewood athletic facilities, including fields, courts, weight rooms, and gyms are closed until school resumes.
How can I reach my student’s teacher?
For all questions related to your child’s assignments, please email your child’s teacher or the building principal.
What about food service?
Our Meal Pickup Program will continue to be available for children ages 1-18 from our 3 elementary schools. The schedule for the remainder of this week is: Pickup from 11 am- Noon on Wednesday, April 1 and Friday, April 3. Children must be present for the meals to be provided.
Details regarding our Meal Pickup Program during Spring Break (April 6-13) will be communicated on Friday, April 3.
What does this mean for graduation?
For seniors who were on track for graduation as of March 13 (this was the last day of school prior to school closing), the graduation requirement of achieving a passing score on the EOC (End of Class) assessments is waived. If your child is on track for graduation, this lack of testing will not keep them from graduating. If a student was at risk of not meeting graduation requirements prior to March 13, our high school counselors and/or administrators will reach out to you to devise a plan to help your child work towards completion of any necessary requirements. Specific questions concerning your senior should be addressed through email to our EHS principal at: doug.geygan@edgewoodschools.net
Regarding the Commencement ceremony for our seniors, our high school administrators have been in contact with Miami University and continue to be in discussion about graduation. It is a matter of waiting on guidance from the State regarding if and when large groups will be permitted to gather.
What does this mean for the next school year/grade promotion?
We are working through the details and we will update you as soon as we have the best information.
We have set up a dedicated page on our website for all the announcements, resources, and updates on COVID-19. To view the page, click here: http://bit.ly/391FMgS
As we learn more information, we will continue to update you via email, website, and social media.
Russ Fussnecker
Superintendent, Edgewood City Schools