Hello Edgewood Middle School Families!
We hope this message finds you safe, rested, and ready for a new school year. We are excited to have our students back with us, whether in-person or remotely! Our staff has been working diligently to create a safe learning environment for our students. This letter will provide you and your student with answers to many questions regarding the start of the school year.
Open House and Cougar Camp
Unfortunately we are not able to offer our traditional, in-person Open House this year, due to the restrictions on large gatherings. Instead, each teacher will be creating a video for you and your child to view. Once schedules become available you will be able to view the teacher’s video via the website.
For our 6th grade students, we will be providing them with a tour of the building through Cougar Camp on the student’s first day of school. Cougar Camp will take place during the course of the school day. Our teachers will take the 6th grade students around the building showing them all the various locations where they will be having class. They will also visit the nurse’s station, the counselor’s office, the gym, and walk through the cafeteria line. The teachers will also take time to discuss classroom expectations as well as the student handbook.
Staggered Start Schedule for the First Week of School
Students will follow a Staggered Start Schedule for the first week of school. Here are the details:
Monday, August 31 - Tuesday, September 1: Students with Last Name starting A-K will attend school.
Wednesday, September 2: No School for Students.
This is an in-service day for our staff.
Thursday, September 3 - Friday, September 4: Students with Last Name starting L- Z will attend school.
Note: Students with the Last Name starting A-K will not attend school on these days.
Monday, September 7: No School for Students or Staff (Labor Day).
Tuesday, September 8: All Students return to school.
Master Schedule/Student Schedules
We are currently working on the Master Schedule to ensure the safety of our students in class and while they are moving throughout the building during the course of the school day. Schedules will be available to view through ProgressBook. Once schedules are ready to view, we will issue an email to all our families and students. If you are unable to access ProgressBook, paper copies of your student’s schedule will be available for pick up at the EMS Main Entrance on the following dates and times:
6th Grade - Wednesday, August 26th - 3:00-5:00PM
7th Grade - Thursday, August 27th - 3:00-5:00PM
8th Grade - Friday, August 28th - 3:00-5:00PM
Options for Learning
The students will have two options in returning to school:
Option 1: Face-to-Face
Tradition 7 Bell schedule. Students attending school in-person will receive their four core classes (English, Math, Science and Social Studies), two specials/electives, and a structured study time which is an added bell for students this year.
Option 2 - Remote Learning
If a student chooses to participate remotely, they will receive their four core classes (English, Math, Science and Social Studies) with an assigned teacher at an assigned time. The students will also receive a PE class through our virtual platform PLATO. We are currently working with the Music Department to see if there is an effective way to have a remote/virtual bell of Band or Music (7th and 8th graders only). Students who are scheduled for Algebra (Mrs. Brown) and Spanish 8 (Mrs. Baker) will have a remote bell with these teachers unless there is a schedule conflict.
Note: When a student returns to school from Remote Learning to attend in-person instruction, they will be given a normal 7 Bell Schedule. Their teachers may be different from those during Remote Learning.
School begins at 7:25. Students are allowed to enter the building beginning at 7:05AM. The students will enter the building either through Cougar Lobby, if they are a bus rider, or through the Main Entrance at the front of the building, if they are being dropped off. When the students enter the building, they will go directly to their 1st Bell class. This classroom will also serve as their homeroom. Students who eat breakfast in the morning will report directly to the cafeteria, eat, and then report to their 1st Bell class by 7:25 AM. Students are not permitted to congregate in the hallways, gyms or bathrooms before class. They will report directly to their 1st Bell.
Students will be dismissed by bus beginning at 2:00 p.m. They should have everything they need in their backpacks. When their bus is called, they will report directly to their bus. After bus dismissal, all remaining students will be dismissed.
Face Masks/Coverings
For students attending school in-person, masks are required to be worn throughout the school day. During any transitions, entering and exiting the building, and during clubs and activities, as well as on the bus, students will be required to wear a mask. We encourage all families to work with their children now so they are accustomed to wearing a mask at school. It will take time, but they will get used to wearing them.
Water Bottles
Students are encouraged to carry a water bottle with them at all times. Students will have access to the water fountain regardless if they have a water bottle or not. We encourage everyone to fill their water bottles before they come to school to reduce frequent use of the water fountains.
Lockers and Backpacks
Students will not have lockers to start the school year. As a result, students are permitted to carry backpacks from class to class with the supplies they need (pens, pencils, paper, folders, notebooks, etc.) When purchasing a backpack, stay away from those with wheels. Most of the resources they need will be available in class, so we do not have students walking around the building with heavy backpacks.
Students will be able to pick a table where they would like to sit for lunch. Once they sit down, this will be their assigned seat until social distancing restrictions have been lifted. There is a limit to the number of students we are allowing per table. Normally, about 15 students can sit at a table, but with the social distancing restrictions, we will only allow 6 students per table to allow for adequate spacing between students. We are using two different areas for lunch, the main cafeteria and the half of the old gym.
Cell Phones
The students are allowed to have their cell phones. They are able to be used in between classes and during lunch. Once they are in the classroom, the cell phone may be placed in a numbered slot assigned by the teacher or in the student's backpack. All of the teachers have been given a Classroom Pocket Chart where the students will store their phones during class if the cell phone becomes an issue.
Mobile App
We encourage everyone to download our district’s mobile app: Edgewood City School, OH. This app will allow you to access our school website for helpful and important information, including access to ProgressBook, Final Forms, events, snow day announcements, and more. Make certain you set up your phone to receive notifications. Information on how to set up notifications is provided below.
We look forward to seeing everyone in just a couple of weeks. As always thank you for your continued support. If you have questions, please email either Mr. Dallio at: jim.dallio@edgewoodschools.net or Mrs. Halsey at: jenny.halsey@edgewoodschools.net
Go Cougars!