Dress Code
The primary purpose of the school is education, and all matters of dress and grooming must be weighed against that single objective. To that end, students should avoid styles of dress and grooming (including hair styling and makeup) which are bizarre and flamboyant, distract attention from the orderly pursuit of knowledge, disrupt the educational process or constitutes a threat to individual safety or the safety of the group. In addition, students are expected to maintain high standards of personal cleanliness and hygiene by making sure they are neither offensive to others nor a threat to the health of the school community. The administration will make final judgment on the appropriateness of any mode of student dress. The following guidelines are to be adhered to:
Students should not wear any article of clothing that is distasteful by language or sign.
Students should not wear clothing that is overly distracting.
Students should not wear shorts that are overly revealing
Students should not wear clothing or hats advertising alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, or look-alike labels.
Students must wear shoes to school and to class.
Students are not permitted to wear hats during school hours.
Clothing must be modest, not skimpy or over-revealing, and must adequately cover the shoulders, back, midriff, and undergarments as it is a distraction to the educational process. Tank tops are not appropriate attire for school.
Pants must be worn at the waist. No undergarments should be seen.
First offense: Warning and fix the infraction
Second offense: Detention and fix the infraction
Third and subsequent offenses: Extended School Day and fix the infraction
If a student fails to follow the aforementioned dress code and it is brought to the attention of the school administration and/or staff, they will be required to correct the infraction prior to returning to class. Students who are unable or unwilling to correct a dress code violation will spend the remainder of the day in the Alternative Intervention Center. Students will not leave school grounds to change unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Each violation will be documented and will result in an incident report as part of the progressive discipline plan.