Reopening Plan graphic

PREFACE:  As you know, beginning on March 16, 2020, all Ohio schools were closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Since then, school superintendents and administrators from each public school district in Butler County, along with the Butler County Educational Service Center, came together to identify common practices for reopening schools.

Edgewood City School District (ECSD) has established general principles that will guide us as we move forward with reopening our schools. We will implement safety protocols to the highest degree possible for our students and staff. In complete transparency, there is some level of risk present when everyone returns to school. Our number one priority remains the safety and well-being of our students and staff. We will be developing plans for each of our buildings and these details will be shared with you prior to the start of school. Your support is truly appreciated as we plan for a safe opening for the upcoming school year.

These are the general principles that will guide the Edgewood City School District (ECSD) as we move forward with reopening our schools:

  1. ECSD will work closely with the Butler County General Health District to promote safety in each school building. In the event we have a confirmed case of COVID-19, we will work with the Butler County Health Officials and the appropriate steps will be taken.
  2. ECSD will be transparent with all stakeholders that some level of risk will always be present when children and school district employees occupy school district facilities.
  3. ECSD recognizes the need for consistency in areas of operations while recognizing that individual differences in classroom sizes, school facilities, and building operations may lead to some inconsistencies.
  4. We are planning to maintain our previously approved school calendar which includes employee professional development. Staff will return to school on Monday, August 17.  The first day of class for students is Wednesday, August 19. 
  5. School staff will be required to report their temperatures and any symptoms daily. We ask parents to self-assess their child’s health conditions prior to sending them to school.
  6. Face coverings will be required for all school staff members when they are in a situation where social distancing (within six feet) is not possible. Face coverings will be strongly recommended for students.

Food Service

  • We will offer food service. Logistics will be determined by building to minimize risk as best as possible.

Classroom Occupancy

  • ECSD will decrease the likelihood of infection with hygiene, cleaning, and safety procedures, but being in a public place has a certain level of risk that cannot be eliminated.   
  • Classroom occupancy will be determined based on each individual circumstance with the appropriate amount of safety precautions, when possible.
  • Each classroom will be equipped with hand sanitizers.

Remote Learning vs. Face-to-Face Learning

  • ECSD will offer remote learning for parents who do not wish to send their child to school.  We will provide details on or before August 1.
  • Parents/Guardians may choose from these options: 

                        1.  Send their child to school (assume some level of risk), or
                        2.  Agree to remote learning from home for one quarter at a time (nine weeks).  


  • There are different levels of school visitors and the building administrator will make decisions for each situation.  
  • Visitors are discouraged from being in school district facilities without an appointment.
  • All visitors are required to wear a face covering.
  • Safety protocols such as taking temperatures will be implemented for all visitors.
  • We encourage everyone to conduct business via email or other technology sources when possible.


  • ECSD will allow two students per seat and in some instances three students if the children are younger and therefore smaller.
  • Transportation will attempt to seat siblings together.
  • Seating charts are required to assist with contact tracing, if that is needed.    


  • Schools will make every effort to maintain consistency while following safety procedures. This may mean that schools will limit student access to certain pieces of playground equipment and restrict activities that are “high touch” and difficult to clean or maintain social distancing.
  • We will work toward “structured” recess activities such as nature walks that limit students’ physical contact with others.
  • Students must sanitize their hands after recess.


  • Communication will be issued on an as needed basis and we will maintain privacy according to FERPA and HIPPA guidelines.