Social Emotional Learning K-5

Mr. Banks

Mr. Banks, SEL Principal K-5

Dear Edgewood families,

Edgewood Schools is committed to helping students excel academically, build stronger relationships, and lead happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives. To support this goal, EIS will be implementing SEL classes this school year.  Supporting the social and emotional wellness of students has proven to help students perform better academically and achieve their highest potential. 

Encouraging the social and emotional wellness of all students aligns with our school's mission and vision.  Social and emotional wellness is often taught through social and emotional learning curriculums.  Social-emotional learning (SEL) is defined as the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

The ways to describe SEL practices and activities vary greatly by context and purpose (i.e., student age, school, community, etc.). SEL can be a set aside classroom time/period, a specific curriculum or an orientation that is integrated throughout a school’s policies, practices and programs.

For younger students (grades K-5), SEL may be described as activities, lessons or programs that increase positive attitudes, commitment to learning, emotional and intellectual curiosity, social competencies, and positive identity. 

Our K-5 students and staff will be administering a SEL screener, called SAEBRs.  Students in grades 2-5 will give input and all teachers in grades K-5 will give input.  We will use the data to help support all of our students in their social, emotional, and academic journey this year.

We welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out if you would like additional information.

Mr. Jeffrey Banks, SEL Principal K-5

SEALs Team

What is SEALs?

  • SEALS stands for Social Emotional Academy of Leaders.

  • The SEALS program is aimed at supporting and preventing students who are at-risk of developing chronic issues. 

  • There are 4 components to the SEALs Team: Mentorship, Goal Setting, Accountability, and Community.

SEALs Approach

SEALS (students are SEALS) will follow a modified “Check & Connect” rhythm. Check & Connect is a research-based school mentoring program, where the student “checks-in” with a mentor at the beginning of the week, and “connects” with the mentor later in the week. The purpose of Check & Connect is to increase student engagement in school through a mentoring relationship and frequent monitoring of student progress.


  • Students will work their way up the ranks by performing at certain levels over time, or by other specified criteria. 

  • Eventually, after gaining certain ranks, students will begin mentoring (with adult support) new SEALS.

The SEALS Code

  • Loyalty to School, Community, and Teammates. #TOGETHER

  • Serve with Honor, Respect, and Integrity On and Off School Grounds.

  • Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit.

  • Take Responsibility for your actions and the actions of your teammates.

  • Excel as SEAL team members through Discipline and Innovation.

  • Exemplify Safety at all times.