Edgewood  E

The approved board meeting dates are listed below. Meetings will take place at Edgewood High School inside the Heritage Room. Changes to location or dates will be communicated via our normal communication channels. The meetings will begin at 6:00 p.m.  Immediately following the presentation(s), the board will move into executive sessions. The board intends to return to the open session no later than 7:30 p.m.

Board Meeting Dates 2024:

January 8  Organizational Meeting


January 22nd

February 12th

March 25th

April 22nd

May 20th

June 24th

6/24/24 Meeting Minutes

July 22nd

7/22/24 Meeting Minutes

August 26th

8/26/24 Meeting Minutes

September 30th

9/30/24 Meeting Minutes

October 21st

10/21/24 Meeting Minutes

10/29/24 Work Session Minutes

November 18th

11/18/24 Meeting Minutes

11/18/24 Board Meeting Video

December 16th

12/16/24 Meeting Minutes

*Meeting dates are subject to change

Board Meeting Dates 2025: