Dr. Pamela Theurer
District Test Coordinator
(513) 867-3400 Ext. 1036

District and State Assesments
Students will be tested periodically throughout the school year to assess progress and academic achievement. Data that is collected is analyzed and used to drive instruction, helping students reach their academic potential.
State testing, which tests each student's progress rooted in the Ohio Learning Standards, is particularly important when paired with our own district-approved assessments. This gives our teachers a much more complete picture for developing instruction for each individual student.
Ohio State Tests & End of Course Exams
Ohio State Tests (OST's) and End of Course Exams (EOC's) can take place twice a year depending upon the grade level of the students and previously passed assessments. Your child's school will inform you of the various testing opportunities for your students as they arise.
Ohio's Alternate Assessment for Students with Disabilities (Ohio's AASCD)
The AASCD is a state-mandated assessment for students who cannot take the assigned OST for their grade level. According to the Ohio Department of Education's guidelines, “AASCD is appropriate only for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are either completing a curriculum that is modified substantially (in form and/or substance) by the [Individualized Education Program] (IEP) from the general education curriculum or completing the general education curriculum but have a disability that presents unique and significant challenges such that the IEP provides for accommodations that exceed the allowable criteria for statewide assessment accommodations.”
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment
At the beginning of each school year, children in public school kindergarten programs are assessed using Ohio’s Kindergarten Readiness Assessment. This assessment includes ways for teachers to measure a child’s readiness for engaging with instruction aligned to the kindergarten standards. It has six components: social skills (including social and emotional development, and approaches toward learning), mathematics, science, social studies, language and literacy, and physical well-being and motor development. For more information about the KRA-R, please click HERE.
Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (OELPA)
The OELPA is a state-mandated assessment for students in grades Kindergarten through Twelve who have been identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP). The OELPA does not identify students as LEP, but measures and reports on a student’s English language proficiency and progress in English language acquisition through reading, writing, speaking and listening. This replaces the OTELA test from past years.
Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener
Districts administer the OELPS to potential English learners who are newly enrolled in grades K-12 based on the family’s responses to the Language Usage Survey which indicate a significant influence of a language other than English and have not previously been identified through OELPS or taken the OELPA in another district.
Restart Readiness Assessments
These tests are administered in the same testing system the students use when taking the OST or EOC assessments. It allows students to become familiar with the system itself as well as the level of questions that they will encounter when they take the OST and EOC assessments. The teachers can use real-time data to determine individual students' needs and provide tailored instruction in the classroom.
"Quick Checks" are also available through this system allowing teachers to check student knowledge on materials covered to better inform instruction.
Ohio Graduation Test (OGT)
OGT is no longer offered by the State of Ohio. If you are an adult and participating in a degree program that requires completion of Ohio State Tests, please contact Edgewood High School for more information about testing opportunities.
District Testing
District testing comes in many forms and changes periodically, however, two of the common assessments that you may hear about
DIBELS 8 is a universal screener used to determine a student's identification as on or off track in grades K-3 and indicate developmental literacy milestones that align with the science of reading in grades K-5. This helps teachers guide student learning and plan skill-based instruction.
Edgewood uses STAR testing to determine your child’s instructional level and to measure academic growth throughout the school year. Each student will be tested in the following content areas: Early Literacy (Kindergarten Reading and Math), Reading (Grades 1-8), and Mathematics (Grades 1-8). Students have a benchmark test three times a year: fall, winter, and spring. Some students will also use this software to monitor their progress throughout the school year.
CogAT and Terra Nova
The CogAT assesses students in Grades 1 and 6 on “critical cognitive abilities in verbal, nonverbal, and quantitative reasoning. TerraNova is a series of standardized achievement tests used in the United States designed to assess student achievement in reading, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, vocabulary, spelling, and other areas. This test is given to students in Grades 2 and 5.