November 13, 2019
Edgewood has been in the news over the last few days! If you didn't see the following news stories on TV or online, check them out: Story was reported by Todd Dykes, from WLWT C...
November 13, 2019
Congratulations to Mrs. Melissa Clemmons and Mrs. Brittany McClelland who received the Cougar Award for 1st Quarter. EHS students, staff, and parents were asked to vote for one st...
November 13, 2019
Thursday, November 14th is World Diabetes Day. It marks the birthday of one of the men who co-discovered insulin. This day is celebrated to heighten awareness about diabetes, both...
November 13, 2019
The Edgewood High School DECA Chapter, in partnership with Hoxworth Blood Center, has scheduled a fall Blood Drive on Friday, November 22. It will take place from 7:00 am- 3:00 p...
November 11, 2019
What a great turnout on Saturday, November 10 for our 5th annual Dancing with the Edgewood Stars. There were seven fun acts & all the performers did a great job! It was also exci...
November 11, 2019
On Veteran's Day our students and staff honored veterans in a variety of ways including special activities to teach our students about the importance of this day. These activitie...
November 11, 2019
Congratulations to our Marching Cougars who received a "1" Superior rating at the OMEA State Finals on Sunday, November 10. They competed at Dayton Welcome Stadium along with 30 ...
November 8, 2019
On October 26, our Edgewood/Butler Tech FFA members spent the day honoring veterans. The chapter hosted a pancake breakfast to thank local veterans and raise money for Honor Fligh...
November 8, 2019
Our EMS 8th Grade Student Council had a great time participating in the Student Council Exchange with the Monroe Jr. High Hornets on November 7 and 8. This exchange was designed ...
November 8, 2019
Brandon Williams and Isaiah McMillian, 7th Graders at EMS, presented their PBIS Passion Project to their classmates on November 8. They did a wonderful job, and even brought in a ...
November 8, 2019
Congratulations to these two EHS student-athletes for being selected as the SWOC (Southwestern Ohio Conference) Athletes of the Week (November 4-11, 2019)!
Isaac Hamilton- Foot...
November 8, 2019
After many years of hard work, dedication, planning, and persistence, three alumni members of the Edgewood/Butler Tech FFA received the American FFA Degree on Saturday, November ...
November 6, 2019
Several EHS faculty & students participated in "Shadow a Student Challenge" on November 6. This is a national movement that allows schools to create better learning experiences fo...
November 6, 2019
Our faculty and staff experienced an information-packed day on November 5th at our first ever Curriculum Summit. Over 50 sessions were available for individuals to select from, a...
November 4, 2019
Come out and watch our Marching Cougars perform their amazing show- one last time- before they head off to the State Finals this weekend. Everyone's invited to Kumler Field on Fr...
November 4, 2019
Our little Cougars at EES had a blast learning about NED and the Power of Yet at a fun, exciting assembly on November 1st. NED stands for "N"- Never Give Up "E" - Encourage O...
November 1, 2019
EMS students in Mrs. Wiggins & Mrs. Buckley’s Social Studies class participated in an awesome interactive learning experience. They were challenged with an Ancient Rome Lock Box L...
November 1, 2019
Our Edgewood Elementary 5th Graders were challenged to decorate a pumpkin to represent their favorite book from our school's Media Center. There were so many creative and fun ent...
November 1, 2019
Our EES students were challenged to Build-A-Scarecrow based on the book, The Scarecrow by Beth Ferry and illustrated by the Fan Brothers. This is a tale of love and devotion in wh...
October 31, 2019
Our Seven Mile Elementary 5th Graders were challenged to decorate a pumpkin to represent their favorite book. There were so many creative and fun entries making it a tough job fo...